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Music Interview: Jah Wobble

Music Interview: Jah Wobble

English bassist Jah Wobble has been making music inspired by influences from all over the globe for almost half a century. Sean Hannam met him, to discuss his four-CD compilation.

Music Interview: Don Reedman

Music Interview: Don Reedman

Sean Hannam talks to Don Reedman. 45 years after his platinum first album, Don has returned to his orchestral rock roots in London’s Abbey Road Studios for Classic Rock Renaissance.

Album Review: Orbital – Optical Delusion

Album Review: Orbital – Optical Delusion

Alan Sircom says the Hartnoll brothers are back with their 10th album of electronica, this time with more of a collaborative feel and even some angry ranting from Sleaford Mods.

Album Review: Young Fathers – Heavy Heavy

Album Review: Young Fathers – Heavy Heavy

With its fast pace and indie hip-hop vibe, the fourth studio album from Mercury Prize-winning Scottish indie band Young Fathers might just be their best yet, according to Shaun Marin.

Music Interview: Jenny Don’t and the Spurs

Music Interview: Jenny Don’t and the Spurs

Vocal cord surgery, crashed hard drives, studio fires, floods, pandemics and even the death of their drummer couldn’t stop Jenny Don’t and the Spurs latest album, Fire On The Ridge!

Album Review: Bennett Wilson Poole – I Saw A Star Behind Your Eyes, Don’t Let It Die Away

Album Review: Bennett Wilson Poole – I Saw A Star Behind Your Eyes, Don’t Let It Die Away

UK Americana at its finest from Robin Bennett, Danny Wilson, and Tony Poole. Their second album moves from America’s West Coast to The Beatles and The Zombies ‘60s British psych-pop.

Album Review: Mahler Symphony No 5, Berlin PO, Claudio Abbado

Album Review: Mahler Symphony No 5, Berlin PO, Claudio Abbado

Who would have thought that Deutsche Grammophon released Abbado’s recording of Mahler’s 5th Symphony in 1993 that exactly three decades later it would be re-released on vinyl, asks Jimmy Hughes.

Album Review: The World In Air Quotes by The God in Hackney

Album Review: The World In Air Quotes by The God in Hackney

All 11 tracks of this sensational, if occasionally very dark, slice of avant-garde pop meets jazz defy description. This multi-instrumental LA band with strong English vibes have captivated Jason Kennedy.

Music Interview: Midge Ure

Music Interview: Midge Ure

Legendary new wave frontman Midge Ure returns with a six-disc reworking of Ultravox’s third, George Martin-produced album, Quartet. Sean Hannam spoke to the Scottish singer during his recent UK tour.

Black Country, New Road: Live at Bush Hall

Black Country, New Road: Live at Bush Hall

Imagine the scenario: you’re in your early 20s and you’re […]

Music Interview: Bennett Wilson Poole

Music Interview: Bennett Wilson Poole

Sean Hannam speaks to the UK Americana trio Bennet Wilson Poole about their latest album and the shift in inspiration from The Byrds to the psychedelic pop of The Zombies.

Music Interview: Billy Valentine

Music Interview: Billy Valentine

Sean Hannam speaks to US soul singer-songwriter Billy Valentine about his latest album, Billy Valentine and The Universal Truth, the first new music on jazz label Flying Dutchman since 1976.

The Long Ryders image by Ed Stasium

Music Interview: The Long Ryders

The Long Ryders pretty much founded the Americana/alt-country movement when they formed in L.A. in the early ‘80s. Sean Hannam talks with the band about their new album September November.

Music Interview: Third Lung

Music Interview: Third Lung

Darlings of the Reading music scene, this up-and-coming four-piece British band have a big sound and even bigger ambitions. Sean Hannam speaks to Third Lung, and their producer, Michael Smith.

Jesse Malin. Photo by Vivian Wang

Music Interview: Jesse Malin

Sean Hannam speaks to former D-Generation glam punk frontman, Jesse Malin, who 20 years ago pursued a solo career with The Fine Art of Self-Destruction. It's time for a revisit.

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